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本文通过梳理唐文标在20世纪60至80年代的思想路径,试图揭开唐文标在两岸文学、文化史上被遮蔽的先锋作用。从1960年代的“寻根”“回归现实”,到1970年代的“文以载道”“重建桃花源”,再到1980年代的“集体救赎”“伦理重建”,唐文标始终是台湾文学与现代文化敏锐的研究者和坚定的实践者。通过重新认识唐文标,我们得以重估保钓的精神遗产,重新认识台湾现代文学和文化史中走过的歧路和迄今悬而未决的问题。唐文标晚年从台湾民变史和中国戏剧史中看到建立适应时代的伦理秩序和文化制度的重要性和迫切性,实际是尝试从中华文明史的角度提出人的困境的解方。他一生的创作,正是实践自己“道”的写照。  相似文献   
林华 《拉丁美洲研究》2015,37(2):16-22,79,80
1983年阿根廷恢复民主体制之后,经济和社会环境的变化成为影响社会安全的最主要因素,其中包括经济发展的不稳定、贫困加剧、贫富差距扩大和中产阶级的减少、失业、缺乏社会保障等。现阶段阿根廷面临的安全问题主要是社会治安的恶化和各种形式、不同原因导致的社会冲突。当前,阿根廷的社会治安恶化已不是一个仅仅关乎个人安危和个体安全的问题,它已经对整个社会环境和秩序以及国家形象产生了破坏,并在一定程度上造成了社会恐慌。在各种社会冲突中,经济社会发展不平衡过程中的物质利益冲突,不仅有可能造成人身伤亡或财产损失,而且常给人以不安定、动荡,公共秩序混乱的主观感觉对社会安全威胁最大。虽然阿根廷政府在维护社会安全方面进行了种种努力,但社会安全形势依然十分严峻,其主观原因在于政府对安全问题的认识还没有完全脱离传统的"控制"或"管制"模式,而且对社会冲突造成的安全问题重视不够。从客观来讲,缺乏以合作性为基础的多元参与、民主体制和政府的公信力下降、政府危机处理能力和冲突控制能力不足等因素制约了安全治理体系的形成和安全能力的建设。  相似文献   
蔺捷 《法国研究》2015,(2):9-13,8
法国投资者适当性制度主要体现在法国转化欧盟《金融工具市场指令》(MiFID)及其实施指令而经修正的法国金融市场管理局总条例(AMF General Regulation)中,并辅以《货币及金融法典》(Code Monétaire et Financier)。新形势下,法国投资者适当性制度面临新的考验和挑战。欧盟适时推出新的指令,旨在更好地提升投资者保护水平。  相似文献   
This study integrates a brand community theoretical framework and a social networks approach to the study of political marketing on social media. It analyzes Twitter activity by and about all Republican candidates during the month of January 2016 prior to the Iowa primary caucus. Specifically, it identifies key patterns of information flow and political brand community emergence surrounding each candidate as well as brand social mediators who play influential roles in content flow. Findings detect network clusters - subgroups of siloed users - who converse to exchange information with one another rather than with disconnected others in any given political brand community. We classify these clusters in two groups: direct communities that surround a brand – here, a candidate – and indirect communities that consist of users who talk about the political brands but are not directly connected to the brand. Within this fragmented community structure, brand social mediators have the power to bridge direct and indirect brand communities across the network. Among the winning and trailing brand communities, different sets of brand social mediators, patterns of information flow, and network structures emerge. The findings suggest that the more successful a political brand is in voter polls, the weaker the social ties and relationships are within the brand communities. The interactions between political brands and their direct vs. indirect communities also exhibit different patterns of information flow. While direct brand communities demonstrate a higher level of reciprocity, indirect brand communities show a higher level of density. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
中国共产党作为国际共产主义运动的重要成员,其领导的妇女运动也成为世界妇女运动的重要组成部分。在共产国际的指导下,中共创立之初就广泛地接触马克思主义妇女解放理论,并着手培养妇女干部和创建妇女运动组织。中共"六大"后,随着中国革命重心开始由城市转向农村,中共在共产国际的帮助下,借鉴苏联经验,在中央苏区艰辛探索一条符合中国实际的妇女解放道路,并取得了一系列的成绩。  相似文献   
If China’s strategic planning is analyzed as a movement from goals to actions,it becomes possible to see whether short-term goals that lead to large results may not be best long-term.Strategic planning consists of three key factors,first to set up correct goals,second to evaluate the situation precisely,and third to act correctly.Evaluation,the second step,assesses advantages and disadvantages in the process toward strategic decision-making.The third step,creating the correct strategy,policies and guidelines,will mandate actions in accord with a well-organized format.To use short-hand,the three are:what we want to do,what we can do,and how we can do it.During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,Mao  相似文献   
The author considers that 2014 was a year of confusion and disorder. The world experienced a series of destabilizing events: global geopolitical tensions further intensified with the endless conflicts in Ukraine, the Islamic State emerged in force; West Africa saw an Ebola outbreak; and oil prices plummeted. We will not be able to extricate ourselves out of this chaos unless we can transform the existing flawed global order and rules. The U.S. and other big powers should take up more responsibilities and play a more constructive role in global governance.  相似文献   
In this study, the Raman spectra of 21 phenethylamines were obtained using far‐red excitation (785 nm). The distinguishing ability of Raman for phenethylamines, especially for phenethylamine regioisomers and structural analogues, was investigated. Here, the evaluation of a cross section of Raman spectra demonstrated that all types of phenethylamines were distinguishable, even for certain structural analogues with high spectrum similarity. Raman exhibited high distinguishing ability for phenethylamine regioisomers that differ in the substitution position of halogen, methoxy, alkyl, or other substituted groups; as well as for structural analogues containing different groups, such as furanyl, 2,3‐dihydrofuranyl, halogen, and alkyl substituted at the same position. The Raman spectra for homologues with differences in only a methyl group were found to be highly similar; however, their spectra demonstrated small but detectable differences. Four analogue mixtures and 59 seized samples were also analyzed to study the practical use of the Raman method in forensic field. 95% of the seized samples were correctly identified, which significantly validated the ability of Raman method in identifying the correct isomers. Accordingly, this study provides a non‐destructive, high‐throughput and minimal sample preparation technique for the discrimination of phenethylamines.  相似文献   
骗取贷款罪是在贷款诈骗罪的基础上取消非法占有目的这一主观要件,给予银行等金融机构特别保护而设立的罪名.在司法实践中,该罪名有被扩大解释、降低门槛而被过度适用的问题,一些本不应由刑法调整的贷款纠纷也被认定成立本罪.本文试从骗取贷款罪的犯罪构成要件中的欺骗手段、犯罪对象、造成的后果以及骗取贷款罪是否能通过犯意转化成立贷款诈骗罪等其他犯罪或数罪四个方面,并结合部分案例,对骗取贷款罪进行深入分析和研究.  相似文献   
利益冲突问题是影响高校学术同行评议公信力的重要因素.高校学术同行评议按不同标准划分呈现出多样化的表现形态,而根据利益冲突来源划分的6种类型对利益冲突的治理最具有针对性的指导意义.高校学术同行评议利益冲突的产生根源包括社会、经济、文化、制度等四个层面.因此,防范与规避高校学术同行评议利益冲突,不仅要建设自主性、生态化高校学术共同体,提升评议专家的学术诚信品质和职业伦理水平,还要培育非功利性、学术为本的高校文化,并构建与完善高校学术同行评议制度.  相似文献   
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